Recently I had an engaging discussion with Chris Williamson about various human delusions and psychological concepts. I rarely accept podcast invitations, but this is the 4th time I’ve accepted Chris’s, because his awesomeness cannot be overcome.
I hadn’t slept for 48 hours before this episode (insomnia), and was relying on the power of espressos for focus, so I’m a little goofier and more absent-minded than usual. But between Chris’s thoughts and mine I think we made the chat worthwhile.
Here’s the episode:
Topics discussed:
00:00 Intro
00:57 Social Media is Making People Less Sincere
08:18 Instead of Trying to Be Right, Be Less Wrong
13:18 People are More Interested in Criticising than Helping
17:15 Never Take Information at Face Value
20:29 Becoming Trapped in a Purity Spiral
30:47 It Isn’t Coordination, It’s Cowardice
45:53 Media is Now ‘Post-Journalism’
52:51 The Majority of Evil People Had Good Intentions
59:34 Why It’s Easier to Debate Geniuses than Idiots
1:09:16 Don’t Take Social Media Attacks Seriously
1:25:28 Are People Really Judging Us?
1:32:30 The Configuration of Dominant Ideologies
1:47:50 Where to Find Gurwinder
My other three conversations with Chris can be found here, here, and here.
I also want to mention that I’m now booking one-on-one conversations with paid Substack subscribers. If you want to discuss something I’ve written, or know my opinion on some other topic, or receive some tips on thinking, writing, or growing your social media following, you can do so in a chilled video chat with me.
If that’s of interest to you, send me an email at with your preferred times/dates in April, May, or June. Please schedule one hour (unless you’re a founding member, in which case we can chat for as long as you wish.)
All the best,
Another really insightful interview, I'm always impressed with your ability to remember so much detail, so many nuances.
I particularly enjoyed listening to a vulnerable side of you admitting that you use to be paralyzed by what others constantly thought and how you've learn to seek a balance in between not giving a shit and giving too much shit. Thanks for sharing your struggles and your viewpoints on life.