Like I said before, anger and hatred are very passionate emotions. Easy to instil, and a literal cash cow. Which is why all incendiary headlines, including stories otherwise unrelated to social issues, are transmitted through cultural lens. From Depp v Heard to COVID to inflation to unemployment to Ukraine to China. As a result, the public discourse has been getting dumber and dumber, morphing into a cultural ouroboros sealing its own decline.
Thank you. I prefer blogs to books as I find them more time-efficient. On my homepage I have a list of recommended blogs (which is currently quite sparse as it's still young).
There's a Buddhist saying that anger directed at others is like picking up burning hot coals in order to throw at someone else. ie it hurts us as much as we may wish to injure others.
Maybe people felt closed in not just physically but mentally, socially and emotionally, during lockdown? Perhaps we're experiencing the aftermath of that now which could partially account for the increased levels of outrage on social media... 🤔
Thank you for your wisdom and advice. I will absorb and learn from this. I appreciate all your energy that you project and know that you are a valuable entity!
This is one of those cases where stoicism can be incredibly helpful. The stoics talked about anger a lot and other topics you have mentioned. Reading the Stoics such as Epictetus, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius should be mandatory reading when it comes to this topic.
I realise that words go in fashions, almost. What I mean by that is simply that what was acceptable a while ago, causes offence now. However, I can never quite get my head around why words that are offensive to certain groups of people if used by those outside of that group, but perfectly acceptable to be used within it. I’m thinking here about words such as 'cripple' or the 'N' word. Gurwinder mentioned another examples that I simply do not understand. Why is the phrase 'coloured people' unacceptable, but 'people of colour' is just fine?
Very well presented, cogent advice!
Like I said before, anger and hatred are very passionate emotions. Easy to instil, and a literal cash cow. Which is why all incendiary headlines, including stories otherwise unrelated to social issues, are transmitted through cultural lens. From Depp v Heard to COVID to inflation to unemployment to Ukraine to China. As a result, the public discourse has been getting dumber and dumber, morphing into a cultural ouroboros sealing its own decline.
Loved it, thankyou for such a good read. Would love to know your fav books on evo. psych or related stuff?
Thank you. I prefer blogs to books as I find them more time-efficient. On my homepage I have a list of recommended blogs (which is currently quite sparse as it's still young).
Thankyou, will check them out.
There's a Buddhist saying that anger directed at others is like picking up burning hot coals in order to throw at someone else. ie it hurts us as much as we may wish to injure others.
Good advice. Following is the hard part :-). Your writings are fodder for thought. Thanks Gurwinder.
All fun and games until someone loses an eye...or gets burned at the stake.
Maybe people felt closed in not just physically but mentally, socially and emotionally, during lockdown? Perhaps we're experiencing the aftermath of that now which could partially account for the increased levels of outrage on social media... 🤔
“ view emotions not as commands but as information”
Thank you for your wisdom and advice. I will absorb and learn from this. I appreciate all your energy that you project and know that you are a valuable entity!
This is one of those cases where stoicism can be incredibly helpful. The stoics talked about anger a lot and other topics you have mentioned. Reading the Stoics such as Epictetus, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius should be mandatory reading when it comes to this topic.
I realise that words go in fashions, almost. What I mean by that is simply that what was acceptable a while ago, causes offence now. However, I can never quite get my head around why words that are offensive to certain groups of people if used by those outside of that group, but perfectly acceptable to be used within it. I’m thinking here about words such as 'cripple' or the 'N' word. Gurwinder mentioned another examples that I simply do not understand. Why is the phrase 'coloured people' unacceptable, but 'people of colour' is just fine?