"Don't put beans up your nose," is not a good thing to say to the kids when you have to briefly leave them at home alone.

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I always wondered why i had the urge to throw self from a high rise building or just randomly opening the door of a fast moving car.

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I believe, and I’ve said this often, that the age of censorship is the dark before the dawn. There is no development without challenges.

Free speech will prevail on the internet, and the era of mainstream media misinformation will end. It’s now a matter of time.

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“The forbiddenness of a fruit makes even the taste of a lemon sweet.” 😊 Mokokoma Mokhonoana

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A phenomenon that a lot of these censors bank on is that the masses seem to be less inquisitive when they're sufficiently satisfied with their rulers. This is by and large true to all three real world examples described in the essay, often times its their dissidents who rebel while their supporters have already primed themselves to take their preferred politicians' word for it. Not necessarily because they trust their politicians not to lie, they probably do not, but the digital culture of confirmation bias and hostility to opposing and reactionary viewpoints have already mentally closed them off to the information their leaders are trying to block from their view. Indeed, often times they themselves demand that their dissidents be silenced, given no platform, and have their resources restricted to shackle their viewpoints. Which, I suppose, brings us full circle to the points you'd raised in The Electronic Starfield. :)

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Brilliant and thoroughly enjoyable.

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Great Essay!

Have you read Dostoevsky's the idiot? It dwels deep into this topic especially the character nastasya.

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Thank you. I haven't read The Idiot, but I've read another Dostoevsky story, Notes from Underground, which explores similar themes. In fact, Notes was originally one of the stories I used in the essay to illustrate the Imp, but I had to remove it for pacing reasons.

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Notes from the underground in my opinion is very one dimensional as the narrator only represents one aspect of thet freedom also the fact we don't get the background of why he acts in such a way. The idiot shows different perspectives of freedom while simultaneously explaining each characters in detail.


I wrote a review on a while back, give it a read if you have the time.

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From the linked article: "Studies using framing, vicarious, or legitimate freedom threats for eliciting reactance indicate two processes of reactance, a more impulsive emotional and a more reflective cognitive process." Those may correspond to intuitive and intellectual sides of the personality, i.e., the so-called unconscious and the conscious mind. Recent work of H. Stuyck et al ("The AHA Moment...") indicate that these sides are independent, mutually autonomous. The Guardienne Hypothesis makes the same claim, and also attributes sleep-walking, "Terminal Lucidity," hypnosis, alcoholism, alcoholic blackouts, road rage, Bipolar Disorder, highway hypnosis, and Freudian slips to the will of the Unconscious. Freudian slips seem a possible example of the Imp. They are often far too apposite to be accidental and reveal something we consciously desire to hold secret. More on the Guardienne Hypothesis here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331047505_The_Guardienne_Autonomous_Semi-sentient_Protective_Region_of_the_Human_Brain

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A brilliant essay 👏🏻

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I heard God actually knew about the Imp (I mean, He *created* Adam & Eve, so He obviously knows something about their design). He just used the Imp to set His project into motion! Adam & Eve were manipulated by God. And, yes, it was for their own good. Trust me.

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